63301 Zip Code Information

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First Missouri State Capital St Charles Missouri

Thank you for visiting 63301.com, a community site with information on the 63301 zip code. Located in St. Charles County Missouri, 63301 is well known for being the zip code for Historic St. Charles. Located along the Missouri River, Historic St. Charles was the location of the first state capital of Missouri between 1821 and 1826 until the permanent Missouri capital could be built in Jefferson City. Those buildings on Main Street where the first Missouri legislators met are now designated as the First Missouri State Capital State Historic Site. Visitors may tour the restored and furnished rooms of the Historic Site for a small admission fee. Cobblestone covered Main Street in Historic St. Charles is lined with restored late 1700s and early 1800s historic buildings that are now filled with one of a kind shops and restaurants. It is also the location of many annual events such as the month long Christmas Traditions, the historical festival Lewis & Clark Heritage Days and many others. Frontier Park, off of South Riverside Drive and situated along the Missouri River below Historic St. Charles, provides access to the Katy Trail, the 225 mile "rails-to-trail" State Park biking trail, as well as picnic sites and holds the annual St. Charles Fourth of July celebration with kettle corn and a wonderful fireworks display! Historically, Frontier Park is where the Lewis and Clark Expedition camped as they left St. Louis in May of 1804 and also when they returned in September of 1806.

The City of St. Charles is located in the 63301 zip code and 17 of the 20 parks that the city maintains with a variety amenities are found in the area. Two of the parks, McNair off of Droste Road and Blanchette Park off of West Randolph Street, have Aquatic Centers. Other recreation amenities found in the parks of 63301 are dog parks, boat ramp launches for the Missouri River, picnic sites, fishing lakes, skate parks, hiking and biking trails, as well as two soccer complexes. Major roads for the area are Interstate 70, Highway 94, Highway 370, Elm Street, Zumbehl Road, West Clay, First Capitol Drive, Truman Road, Highway B, and many others.

Several public school districts serve the residents of 63301. Those are the City of St. Charles School District, the Fort Zumwalt School District and the Orchard Farm School District each having several elementary and middle schools in the area. Public high schools are Orchard Farm High School, St. Charles High School and St. Charles West High School. The private Dushesne High School is also found in the zip code. Private elementary and middle schools are Immanuel Lutheran School, St. Charles Borromeo School, St. Cletus School, St. Peter School, Trinity Lutheran School and Academy of the Sacred Heart. The four year private Lindenwood University main campus is off of First Capital Drive. A unique feature of 63301 is that it has two of its borders as rivers, the Missouri River to the east-southeast and the Mississippi River to the north. With the rivers comes the need to get across them! The Golden Eagle Ferry, located off of Highway B on Golden Eagle Ferry Road, is a toll ferry that takes passengers and vehicles from St. Charles County across the Mississippi River to Calhoun County in Illinois.

The zip code 63301 is located in county Missouri.   There are approximately 48,514 people living in zip code 63301.   They make up households.   The average income per household in the 63301 zip code is $52,146.  The median age of the residents is 37 years old (which is 35 years old for males and 40 years old for females).  For more statistics   See 63301 Zip Code Information

Here's What In Zip Code 63301

American Railcar,   Ameristar Casino,   Berthold Square Park,   Blanchette Landing,   Blanchette Park,   Boone's Lick Park,   Boschertown Grand Prix,   Circle Drive Park,   Duchesne High School,   Ed Bales Park and DuSable Dog Park,   Ed Bales Park and DuSable Dog Park,   Fast Lane Classic Cars,   Festival of the Little Hills,   First Missouri State Capitol State Historic Site,   Foundry Art Centre,   Fountain Lakes Park,   Fox Hill Park,   French August Regot Area,   Frenchtown Park,   Frontier Park,   George Denninger Gallery and Studio,   Golden Eagle Ferry,   Historic Frenchtown St. Charles,   Historic St Charles,   Historic St Charles Dining,   Historic St Charles Shopping,   Jaycee Park,   Jean Baptist Point Dusable Park,   Kathryn Linnemann Branch-St. Charles County Library ,   Katy Trail State Park and Biking Trail,   Kister Park,   Kiwanis/Schneider Park,   Lewis and Clark Boathouse and Nature Center,   Lindenwood University,   Little Hills Winery,   McNair Aquatic Facility,   McNair Park,   Missouri Mosaics Festival for the Arts,   Orchard Farm High School,   SLYSA Soccer Complex,   St Andrews Cinema,   St Charles High School,   St Charles Missouri,   St Charles Soccer Complex,   St Charles West High School,   St. Joseph Health Center,   The J. Scheidegger Center for the Arts,   Trailhead Brewery in St Charles,   US Post Office-Saint Charles,   Vatterott College-St. Charles Campus,   Westwinds Park,   

Here's What In Zip Code 63301

American Railcar
American Railcar - Information on the American Railcar Industries located in St Charles Missouri. - More Info Tags: 63301
Ameristar Casino
Ameristar Casino - Ameristar Casino is a St Louis gambling establishment with dining, entertainment and lodging options. It is located in St Charles Missouri. - More Info Tags: 63301, Casinos, Entertainment, St Charles City
Blanchette Landing
Blanchette Landing - Blanchette Landing features a boat ramp launching area into the Missouri River. It also has a large gazebo and restrooms. Positioned along the Katy Trail, it is located in St Charles Missouri. - More Info Tags: 63301, St Charles City
Boschertown Grand Prix
Boschertown Grand Prix - Boschertown Grand Prix is located in St Charles Missouri and is a Go Kart raceway featuring go karts for all ages! - More Info Tags: 63301, Recreation, St Charles City
Duchesne High School in St Charles Missouri
Duchesne High School - Duchesne High School is a private Catholic high school in St Charles Missouri - More Info Tags: 63301, St Charles City
Fast Lane Classic Cars
Fast Lane Classic Cars - Fast Lane Classic Cars is a paradise for "Muscle Car" enthusiasts, as well as all classic car lovers! It is located in St Charles Missouri. - More Info Tags: 63301, St Charles City
Festival of the Little Hills
Festival of the Little Hills - The Festival of the Little Hills is an annual festival held in August in historic St. Charles, Missouri in Frontier Park along the Missouri River. - More Info Tags: 63301, St Charles City
First Missouri State Capitol State Historic Site
First Missouri State Capitol State Historic Site - The First Missouri State Capitol State Historic Site is the location of Missouri's first state capitol until the one in Jefferson City could be completed. It is located in Historic St. Charles, Missouri. - More Info Tags: 63301, Museums, St Charles City
Foundry Art Centre
Foundry Art Centre - The Foundry Art Centre features St Louis artisans at work and their art displayed in the art gallery. It is located in St Charles Missouri. - More Info Tags: 63301, St Charles City
Fountain Lakes Park
Fountain Lakes Park - Fountain Lakes Park features hiking and biking trails, fishing lakes and a skate park facility and is located in St Charles Missouri. - More Info Tags: 63301, St Charles City
French August Regot Area
French August Regot Area - French August Regot Area features a playground, basketball court, picnic shelter and has Katy Trail access. It is located in St Charles Missouri. - More Info Tags: 63301, St Charles City
Frontier Park
Frontier Park - Frontier Park features an original MKT Train Depot, a Katy Trail trailhead and paved walking and biking trails. Frontier Park is the location for many festivals, such as Lewis and Clark Days. It is located in the city of Historic Old Town St Charles Missouri. - More Info Tags: 63301, St Charles City
Golden Eagle Ferry
Golden Eagle Ferry - The Golden Eagle Ferry is a toll ferry that crosses the Mississippi River from Calhoun County near Golden Eagle Illinois to St. Charles County north of St. Charles Missouri. - More Info Tags: 62036, 63301
Historic Frenchtown St. Charles
Historic Frenchtown St. Charles - Historic Frenchtown St. Charles is filled with antique shops and quaint historic buildings and homes. It is designated as a National Trust Historic District and is located in St. Charles, Missouri. - More Info Tags: 63301, St Charles City
Historic St Charles
Historic St Charles - Historic St. Charles is the location of the first state capital of Missouri on Historic Main Street and a campsite in Missouri of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. - More Info Tags: 63301, St Charles City
Historic St Charles
Historic St Charles Dining - Diners who are looking for a truly unique atmosphere and dining experience are sure to find it in one of the many fabulous restaurants that are located along Main Street in Historic St. Charles. - More Info Tags: 63301, St Charles City
Historic St Charles Shopping
Historic St Charles Shopping - Shoppers who are looking for something special are sure to find it in one of the more than 125 shops that are located in the historic district of Old St Charles along South Main Street. - More Info Tags: 63301, Shopping, St Charles City
Katy Trail State Park and Biking Trail
Katy Trail State Park and Biking Trail - Katy Trail State Park is a biking and hiking trail that follows 225 miles of the old route of the MKT Railroad along the Missouri River. The eastern end is in St Charles Missouri and the western end is in Clinton Missouri with 43 towns in between. - More Info Tags: 63301, 63303, 63304, 63332, 63341 63342, 63357, Augusta Missouri, Defiance Missouri, Matson Missouri, St Charles Missouri, Weldon Spring Missouri
Lewis and Clark Boathouse and Nature Center
Lewis and Clark Boathouse and Nature Center - The Lewis and Clark Boathouse and Nature Center features artifacts and information from the famous journey Lewis and Clark made up the Missouri River. It is a St Louis attractions located in St Charles Missouri. - More Info Tags: 63301, Museums, St Charles City
Lindenwood University
Lindenwood University - Lindenwood University is a 4 year private college located in St Charles Missouri. - More Info Tags: 63301, St Charles City
Missouri Mosaics Festival for the Arts
Missouri Mosaics Festival for the Arts - Missouri Mosaics Festival for the Arts is an annual event held in September on Historic Main Street in St. Charles Missouri. - More Info Tags: 63301, City of St Charles Missouri, September
Orchard Farm High School
Orchard Farm High School - Orchard Farm High School is a public high school located in St Charles Missouri. - More Info Tags: 63301, St Charles City
St Andrews Cinema - The St. Andrews Cinema is famous for it's $1 ticket price on all movies. The theater is located in St. Charles Missouri near the intersection of Zumbehl and West Clay. - More Info Tags: 63301, Entertainment, St Charles City
St. Charles High School
St Charles High School - St. Charles High School is located in the City of St. Charles, Missouri and is part of the City of St. Charles School District. - More Info Tags: 63301, St Charles City
St. Charles Missouri
St Charles Missouri - Information on the city of St. Charles Missouri. - More Info Tags: 63301, 63303, St Charles City
St. Charles West High School
St Charles West High School - St. Charles West High School is a public high school located in St. Charles Missouri and part of the City of St. Charles School District. - More Info Tags: 63301, St Charles City
St. Joseph Health Center
St. Joseph Health Center - St. Joseph Health Center is a member of the SSM Healthcare System and located in St. Charles Missouri. - More Info Tags: 63301, St Charles City
The J. Scheidegger Center for the Arts
The J. Scheidegger Center for the Arts - The J. Scheidegger Center for the Arts which is located on the campus of Lindenwood University in St Charles Missouri. - More Info Tags: 63301, Entertainment, St Charles City
Trailhead Brewery in St Charles
Trailhead Brewery in St Charles - Information on Trailhead Brewery located in historic St Charles Missouri. Traihead Brewery features handcrafted beers brewed on site. - More Info Tags: 63301, St Charles City

More 63301 Zip Code Information

Berthold Square Park - Berthold Square Park is a rest area with benches located in the historic city of St Charles Missouri. - More Info - Tags: 63301, St Charles City

Blanchette Park - Blanchette Park features an Aquatic Park, picnic facilities, athletic fields, and is located in St Charles County in St Charles Missouri. - More Info - Tags: 63301, St Charles City

Boone's Lick Park - Boone's Lick Park features athletic fields for baseball and softball, tennis/Pickleball courts, playground area and picnic facilities. It is located in St Charles County in St Charles Missouri. - More Info - Tags: 63301, St Charles City

Circle Drive Park - Circle Drive Park is a neighborhood park and greenspace with a playground and is located St Charles County in St Charles Missouri. - More Info - Tags: 63301, St Charles City

Ed Bales Park and DuSable Dog Park - Ed Bales Park and DuSable Dog Park features picnic shelters, softball and baseball diamonds, hiking and biking trails and access to the Katy Trail. The DuSable Dog Park is a part of the park and is located in St Charles Missouri. - More Info - Tags: 63301, St Charles City

Ed Bales Park and DuSable Dog Park - Ed Bales Park and DuSable Dog Park features biking trails and access to the Katy Trail. is located in St Charles Missouri. - More Info - Tags: 63301, Biking, Recreation, St Charles City

Fox Hill Park - Fox Hill Park features 2 lakes, picnic facilities, baseball/softball diamonds, hiking and biking trails and is located in St. Charles, Missouri. - More Info - Tags: 63301, St Charles City

Frenchtown Park - Frenchtown Park is a rest area with benches and is located in Frenchtown St Charles Missouri. - More Info - Tags: 63301, St Charles City

George Denninger Gallery and Studio - Information on George Denninger Gallery and Studio located in Saint Charles Missouri - More Info - Tags: 63301, St Charles City

Jaycee Park - Jaycee Park features baseball/softball diamonds, a picnic shelter, the Discovery Playground and paved trails. It is located in St. Charles, Missouri. - More Info - Tags: 63301, St Charles City

Jean Baptist Point Dusable Park - Jean Baptist Point Dusable Park is a group of 3 parks located along the Katy Trail in St Charles Missouri. - More Info - Tags: 63301

Kathryn Linnemann Branch-St. Charles County Library - The Kathryn Linnemann Branch-St. Charles County Library is located in St. Charles Missouri in St. Charles County. - More Info - Tags: 63301, St Charles City

Kister Park - Kister Park features a rest area with a gazebo and restrooms and is located in Historic Old Town St Charles Missouri. - More Info - Tags: 63301, St Charles City

Kiwanis/Schneider Park - Kiwanis/Schneider Park features 2 regulation sized softball diamonds, a picnic shelter, and a playground. It is located in St. Charles, Missouri. - More Info - Tags: 63301, St Charles City

Little Hills Winery - Little Hills Winery is located on Historic Main Street in Historic St. Charles Missouri in St. Charles County. - More Info - Tags: 63301, St Charles City

McNair Aquatic Facility - McNair Aquatic Facility is an outdoor waterpark and is located in St Charles Missouri. - More Info - Tags: 63301, Recreation, St Charles City

McNair Park - McNair Park features an Aquatic Center Water Park, athletic fields, playgrounds, paved hiking and biking trails, a cross country course and is located in St Charles Missouri - More Info - Tags: 63301, St Charles City

SLYSA Soccer Complex - Information on SLYSA Soccer Complex located in St. Charles Missouri - More Info - Tags: 63301, Recreation, St Charles City

St Charles Soccer Complex - St. Charles Soccer Complex features 16 soccer fields with concessions stands, a playground and paved hiking and biking trails. It is located in St. Charles Missouri. - More Info - Tags: 63301

US Post Office-Saint Charles - Information on the US Post Office-Saint Charles Missouri location. - More Info - Tags: 63301

Vatterott College-St. Charles Campus - Information on the Vatterott College campus located in St. Charles Missouri - More Info - Tags: 63301

Here's What In Zip Code 63301

American Railcar,   Ameristar Casino,   Berthold Square Park,   Blanchette Landing,   Blanchette Park,   Boone's Lick Park,   Boschertown Grand Prix,   Circle Drive Park,   Duchesne High School,   Ed Bales Park and DuSable Dog Park,   Ed Bales Park and DuSable Dog Park,   Fast Lane Classic Cars,   Festival of the Little Hills,   First Missouri State Capitol State Historic Site,   Foundry Art Centre,   Fountain Lakes Park,   Fox Hill Park,   French August Regot Area,   Frenchtown Park,   Frontier Park,   George Denninger Gallery and Studio,   Golden Eagle Ferry,   Historic Frenchtown St. Charles,   Historic St Charles,   Historic St Charles Dining,   Historic St Charles Shopping,   Jaycee Park,   Jean Baptist Point Dusable Park,   Kathryn Linnemann Branch-St. Charles County Library ,   Katy Trail State Park and Biking Trail,   Kister Park,   Kiwanis/Schneider Park,   Lewis and Clark Boathouse and Nature Center,   Lindenwood University,   Little Hills Winery,   McNair Aquatic Facility,   McNair Park,   Missouri Mosaics Festival for the Arts,   Orchard Farm High School,   SLYSA Soccer Complex,   St Andrews Cinema,   St Charles High School,   St Charles Missouri,   St Charles Soccer Complex,   St Charles West High School,   St. Joseph Health Center,   The J. Scheidegger Center for the Arts,   Trailhead Brewery in St Charles,   US Post Office-Saint Charles,   Vatterott College-St. Charles Campus,   Westwinds Park,   

Real Estate For Sale in 63301 Zip Code

3245 South Mester Street St Charles MO 63301
3245 South Mester Street  $299,999 Beds: 3 Baths: 2.5 
Remarks: New Town!! Location, Location, Location! This 1.5 Story With Main Floor Master Bedroom Suite Is Just A 3 Minu... | See MORE Listings

2795 Hwy B Unincorporated MO 63301
2795 Hwy B  $7,604,250 Beds:
Remarks: Unincorporated St Charles County High Growth Area 4.7 Mi To Hwy 370 Laclede Gas City Sewer On South Side O... | See MORE Listings

200 Highway B St Charles MO 63301
200 Highway B  $2,000,000 Beds:
Remarks: Excellent Development Opportunity At The Nw Corner Of Hwy B And Hwy 94. Perfect Location For A Retail Use, C-... | See MORE Listings

301 Little Hills St Charles MO 63301
301 Little Hills  $1,600,000 Beds:
Remarks: 2,895 Sf Former Dq With Drive Thru Easy Access Off Hwy 370 Minutes From Newtown Traffic Light At Corner 2... | See MORE Listings

824 North 2nd Street St Charles MO 63301
824 North 2nd Street  $1,400,000 Beds: 2 Baths: 2.5 
Remarks: Come And See One Of The Gems From The Past! This Building Has Been Called One Of The Most Architecturally Sig... | See MORE Listings

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